Her Story
Hi, I am Lauren Kerr. I have a Bachelor of Psychology with Honours from Griffith University. After receiving an academic scholarship I embarked on my own journey of self-discovery and travel – meeting, understanding and learning from people from all walks of life. I received a further scholarship, which lead me to complete some of my studies in Oahu, Hawaii at Hawaii Pacific University focusing on Sex and Gender Psychology. During my Honours I wrote a thesis conducting my own research on how manipulating non-verbal’s can alter self-destructive beliefs. My degree is accredited by the Australian Psychological Society – permitting me to be eligible to gain registration as a Provisional Psychologist if I did choose to practice in that area.
I have always had a knack for connecting with people on a genuine level, and a keen interest to talk to others about what makes them happy, what sets their soul on fire and what inspires their wildest dreams. Naturally I found myself working for the Queensland Government in Child Protection. I work collaboratively with families encapsulating a strength-based practice approach in order to empower families to take ownership of goals, motivate them to make changes and equip them with strategies in order to turn their life around so their children can be kept out of foster homes, or be able to be reunified home after Child Protection orders had been taken.
I love my work. I love inspiring, empowering and facilitating change so people can be the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves.
“However, people often get confused, healthy living is not merely the absence of illness. There is so much more that comes into play when we are talking about wholeness and wellness. I love working with people who recognise there is more to life than mediocre, and honour that they want more for themselves and their loved ones…but just aren’t quite sure where or how to start. ”
This is what led me to further studying Life and Wellness Coaching…and Viola, Life Above Zero was born! I am not airy fairy, my head is not up in the clouds… working in Child Protection has made sure of that. Being confronted daily with high risk cases and circumstances makes me very aware of the high and lows in life, the differences in opportunities and experiences. This grounds me, yet does not jade me. I am genuine, transparent and honest.
“I do not want to sugar coat my words or only show the best bits of life… in my messages I want to challenge my clients and their perspective on hard and unpleasant feelings of loosing loved ones, the uncertainty of new beginnings, failures, disappointments, ending relationships, being stuck in a rut and feeling lost. I want to demonstrate and teach others how to approach difficult times with a holistic and mindful approach so you can learn how to get the most out of life by practicing gratitude. I teach, coach and empower clients with life skills to lead a balanced fulfilling life and maintain their holistic health.”
‘Life Above Zero’ reminds clients there is more to life than just coasting. There is achieving and soaring, there is life above zero and everyone deserves to live it!
Professional Bio
Lauren is a Life and Mindset Coach, Author, Blogger, Speaker and Mentor for thousands of women around the world who want to create a ‘Life Above Zero’. Lauren holds a Bachelor of Psychology with Honours and is an International accredited Neurolinguistic Practitioner. Lauren started in Child Protection helping families make meaningful change and address Child protection concerns so families could be kept together or reunified after Child protection Orders had been taken. She soon realised she wanted to empower families, especially women with the education, awareness and support to create a life they loved filled with health, wealth and abundance earlier in life so they never found themselves is situations where they were misusing substances to numb emotional pain, settling for jobs or lifestyles that didn’t honour their values, or staying in domestic violent relationships because they didn’t have money of their own or the self belief and self worth to leave. Lauren pivoted and started her own Practise inspiring women to live a "Life Above Zero" a term coined in the positive psychology field that reminds people that happiness and health are more than the absence of unhappiness and disease. Lauren’s message is that there is more to life than just surviving. There is thriving, flourishing and soaring. Lauren’s passion for helping women make mindset manageable, health holistic and life liberating has inspired one of the most impressive global movements around the world being ‘Babes in Business’ and the podcast ‘Babes Talking Business’ where she empowers and mentors women who want to create a different future for themselves and their families - how they can create a life on their own terms filled with passion, purpose, health, happiness, connection, collaboration, choices and financial independence.
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My Story…how I ditched the rate race to chase the sun instead.
I was asked earlier this week to be on my girl friends podcast to talk openly about my transition from ditching the rat race to chasing my dreams and the sunshine instead! As I was chatting to her I realised I haven’t actually told you guys how I went from my completing my Psychology Degree, writing my thesis, to working in child protection to now being paid to travel around the world and link arms with other heart driven women who share the same passions of empowering others with holistic health, wealth and abundance.
So I thought I would share this week’s podcast episode with you so you can understand why I am always jet setting around the world and “how” I actually get to enjoy the lifestyle I do in case it is also something that aligns or resonates with you.
Hopefully it inspires you to pursue your own dreams if you know deep down that right now you are settling or pursuing someone else’s (or even worse busting your butt to help someone achieve their goals at the expense of your own values, health and mission).
For the sake of not glorying my “job” or my journey. I wanted to get real and raw with you about the speed bumps and challenges I faced along the way and some psychology and mindset strategies I used to help me create a life I love with the flexibility to spend more time with the people I love – despite the naysayers, moments of self doubt and curve balls life throws at us along the way.