Life Above Zero: Life and Mindset Coaching

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2017 New Years with the Crew!

Happy Sunday you beautiful souls!

I am so sorry I haven’t dropped in some love lately, I literally hit the ground running this year with business events, conferences, celebrating gorgeous friends getting engaged and others getting married. WOW - do I feel the love this year!!

You have probably also seen I have been working on launching my THIRD business sneakily behind the scenes which is getting LAUNCHED NEXT WEEK!!!

Watch this space, I can not wait to share it with you! It is something that is so close to my heart and I know you are going to love it!

I have been so excited just to have a couple of weeks to do sweet !@#$ all!  - and I have loved every second of it! I love slowing down, tuning in, realigning and getting re-inspired. Remember that you need to be the best version of you to give the best version of you, sometimes you need to be selfish to be selfless and actually need to slow down in order to catch up.

So in saying that, I finally got around to reflecting on all the beautiful memories and laughs we had with our gang over New Years as I put together our VLOG capturing what we got up to in South West Rocks (ironically which was the last time I completely turned off - I highly recommend making time at least once a month to give yourself a complete break from social media, timelines, expectations and societal pressures).

Such beautiful memories to have and look back on (including that of our mate Griffo popping the big question and our gorgeous Kendelle saying “yes”), as we continue to move forward in our crazy fast paced lives and open new chapters.

My favourite memory from this trip was on New Years night, we all sat around a table and did our “gratefuls”, one by one we shared what we were grateful for from the year that had been.

Lots of tears (both happy and sad) - but what you feel in that moment is nothing but pure unconditional love - for the journey, for the friends, for the support, for the lessons.

I can not wait to be sitting around a table this New Years and reflect on what magic, triumphs, lessons, love and laughter 2018 brought us all - one thing I know is that none of us will never have to go through any of it alone.

I love you guys, this one is for you!