Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr Life & Wellness Lauren Kerr

Are you a Mum?

Secretly I can not wait to be a mum… (well let’s be honest it’s not that big of a secret - I tell anyone who leaves me with their bubba ).

But when I was working full time I struggled to look after just me between a 50 hour week, 10 hours commuting, trying to be a good friend, daughter, sister, partner, keep the house clean, do the groceries, cook and somewhere in there work out. I was like f@&k how do mums in the 21st century do it all?


𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮 𝗠𝘂𝗺? 

Secretly I can not wait to be a mum… (well let’s be honest it’s not that big of a secret - I tell anyone who leaves me with their bubba ).

But when I was working full time I struggled to look after just me between a 50 hour week, 10 hours commuting, trying to be a good friend, daughter, sister, partner, keep the house clean, do the groceries, cook and somewhere in there work out. I was like f@&k how do mums in the 21st century do it all?  

I felt like I was constantly chasing my tail, never getting ahead and deflated as I knew trying to fit kids into that mix would be stressful as hell, not to mention only having 9 months maternity leave then having to either live on one income or place my bubba in before and after school care just to spend 2 days a week with them and miss all their milestones... that is not what I wanted my motherhood to be like.

I don’t want to bring beautiful babies into this world just for someone else to look after them... 

That was my biggest motivator to start looking into other ways of working!

Ways I could still make a difference, have an identity outside of motherhood, have an awesome income, do something I am passionate about and enjoy,  educate and help people with their holistic health and happiness AND not have to sacrifice my career or magical moments with my future family. 

Voila .... that’s how Babes in Business was born! 

People think you have to be a “babe” to do business with us. You don’t.

That’s just where we were in our life when we started wanting to set ourselves up so when we are mums we don’t have to make the same sacrifices most women have to in the 21st century.

We work with a lot of mums in Bizz too - check out our video to get a bit of a vibe for our tribe and message me if you would love to hear more stories from other mums in our team and see the impact we are making collectively around the world, it’s pretty special. I won’t lie, I’m pretty proud of us.


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My Biggest Lesson

Recap on the biggest lesson I have ever learnt

If you missed my live this week on my Facebook...

I spoke about my biggest lesson that I have ever learnt - one that  my beautiful mum taught me when I was very young and it continues to come up time and time again, ensuring that I don't forget it.

Don't place your expectations on others

This is something that once learnt you can apply to friendships, relationships, colleagues at work and our wider society.

Tune in to understand why you should and CAN fearlessly live and love with your heart on your sleeve, be the best version of you, live your life accordance to your values and up to your own expectations.

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
— Mother Teresa
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Do you need Yoga in your life?


How Yoga can help you in everyday life

So… most of you may of seen over the last few months we have launched a holistic health Program called the Healthstyle Emporium!

It’s an online hub where health professionals have linked arms from all around the globe – yogi’s, qualified psychologists, skin experts, rieki healers, exercise scientists, PT’s, nurses, nutrition/health and life coaches – to be able to deliver a program that educates, empowers you to make sustainable healthy life choices and nourishes your mind, body and soul.

One of the Amazing Health Professionals I have been fortunate enough to work with is Chani Carroso – who is the infamous Nutrition Coach and Founder of Healthy Peach.

 For our beautiful clients in the Healthstyle Emporium, Chani is running a 30 DAY MAY YOGI CHALLENGE – exclusive to all our members, just another goodie that comes with our programs.

Are you someone who has always wanted to try yoga?

Maybe you've started but you're not really vibing like everyone else. Maybe you're on a health quest trying to find the answer, be it fitness or spiritual... and you feel like the answer is in yoga, but you can't really see what all the fuss is about?

30 Day May Yogi Challenge

With the 30 DAY MAY YOGI CHALLENGE which started today, Chani wrote about why you need this beautiful ancient tradition in your life.  Below is Healthy Peach's Featured Blog / be sure to check out our program The Healthstyle Emporium to get a chance to work with her and soak up the knowledge, wisdom, energy and positive vibes our team have to offer!

yoga handstand

yoga handstand

What is Yoga? 

Yoga means “to come together”. So what exactly are we bringing together when we breath deeply, twist, bend, stretch and hold funny looking poses?

Historically, the yogi’s (people who practiced yoga) believed that yoga could unite people with the entire universe, and bring an understanding to us, that all living beings are one, be it humans, tree’s, microscopic bacteria or your pet pooch.

Today, the modern yogi philosophy preaches a life of comfort, kindness, happiness, feeling great and feeling more alive. Yoga to me in a modern context, means bringing all corners of our life together into a delicious holistic harmonious circle of life… and finding balance within that circle. Love, career, finances, spirituality, creativity, joy, home life, relationships, physical activity, home cooking, health & power. More on that later!

Its super simple to practice yoga. You may think yoga isn't for you because you might feel as though you're not flexible, fit or strong. Maybe your mind wanders. But this is the funny part - yoga has nothing to do with all of that.

The number one rule and focus of yoga is…wait for it… breath. Yup! If you can breath - which I'm guessing if your eyes are peeled to this blog right in this moment, you are alive and you CAN BREATH. So guess what, you can practice yoga & be really really good at it!

Yes, at times you must balance like a tree or arrange your body into a cobra, the physical component of yoga comes with practice and strong will. After continuous love and devotion to your practice, I promise you, you will lose weight, strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility and circulation, increase healing, boost your immunity and calm your nervous system all at the same time.

What will yoga do for your mind and soul?

Oh, where do I begin. You become less reactive in stressful situations, like during a confrontation or when every single light on the way to work is red but you were meant to be there 10 minutes ago.

You’re able to care less about others opinions and criticism. You judge yourself less. You’re able to stick up for yourself in ways you didn't think were possible and you’re able to stand your ground. When you’re walking or driving through your every day life, you notice how beautiful that little butterfly floating in the wind is or how amazing the tree’s look with the sun glistening on their green deliciously thick foliage.

You feel spontaneous moments of gratitude for the little things in life like having 10 fingers and toes and having a roof over your head… however they may look like or whatever type of roof that may be. You smile in the most mundane moments, because you see the message. You are more present in life, living in the now rather than in the what was or what could be. You feel more compassion for others and you let go of situations with much more ease.

In time, your yoga practice will evolve into a lifestyle of peace and gratitude, you’ll stand up a little taller, breath a little deeper, be a little more honest with yourself (and others), your intentions will be a little more grounded and your mindset will be a little more beautiful. The perfect antidote for the modern day stressors.

So why does this all happen…

How does a physical exercise completely transform your body, mind & soul?

Its all starts when you realise you can quiet your mind THROUGH your body, and through YOUR BREATH. When your toes hit the mat - the magic begins. And the most beautiful part of it all, the benefits and magic follow you off the matt and weave themselves into your life.

According to the ancient philosophy of yoga, EVERY human is compassionate, loving and peaceful. Yoga just helps us first find that goodness within ourselves, and in others too… No matter who they are. Yoga helps you cut that umbilical cord to the anger, resentment, judgement and doubt we have within ourselves and towards others. And the more you practice yoga, the more clearly you will see how imperfectly perfect you are, as well as everyone else.

No matter what your skill level is, or what your goals are - whether your goals are spiritual, physical, or you’re just curious to see what all the fuss is about about one of the world's oldest traditions… The wise yogi knows it's not the destination that should be in sight, but the process & the journey itself. Perhaps, it's not what you’re longing for that will bring you complete happiness, maybe it's right now - this very little moment - that is the actual reward.

So I invite you, join us in The Emporium for the month of May - and delve deep into our juicy 30 day yogi challenge [details below].

Namaste x



To celebrate the release of The Healthy Peach Yoga + Stretch guide this month, we will be holding a 30 day yogi challenge exclusively within our gorgeous online hub, The Healthstyle Emporium.


What's involved? 

  • Every day for 30 days we will focus on one asana (pose),

  • A variety of sitting poses, standing poses, balancing poses, forward / back bend poses & 2 advanced poses for the courageous yogi's.

  • You will learn the benefits of each asana,

  • Step by step instructions on how to complete each asana,

  • Tips for beginner, Intermediate and advanced yogi for each asana,

  • How and when to move, lengthen & strengthen in each asana,

  • How to breath through each asana (prana & apana)

  • Which chakra/chakras are being energized,

  • Daily intention and mantra for you to have a delicious day ahead.

Each day, the asana of the day will be posted with all the information in The Emporium.

How to get involved?

You must post a picture of your asana in the thread of each daily post. Prizes for the most involved and creative photo taking yogi babe will be given at the end (including active wear by Muscle Republic, a Doterra ice blue rub for those achy muscles and joints + yummo juice plus shakes).

Starts today, the first Monday of May. 

Wishing you health & happiness.

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