Is the Healthstyle Emporium a pyramid scheme? Learn the Truth Now
They love the idea of creating a smart second income online, or totally changing their profession and working alongside a team of inspiring and passionate women and are excited to enjoy all the fun, personal development, support, community, connection, purpose and travel that comes with being welcomed part of our Babes in Business team. But then they learn more about our business distribution model and think "it is one of THOSE things", and decide it’s not for them (maybe this is even you, or someone you know who has already looked into joining our amazing team).
So many women I meet love the mission behind the Healthstyle Emporium inspiring holistic healthy living around the world and helping women put their health and happiness first again.
They love the idea of creating a smart second income online, or totally changing their profession and working alongside a team of inspiring and passionate women and are excited to enjoy all the fun, personal development, support, community, connection, purpose and travel that comes with being welcomed part of our Babes in Business team. But then they learn more about our business distribution model and think "it is one of THOSE things", and decide it’s not for them (maybe this is even you, or someone you know who has already looked into joining our amazing team).
To be honest, I completely understand, I felt the same way when I was shared this business opportunity and actually said no for a few months before I said yes because I didn’t understand our business structure and I knew there was a stigma around it in society...I wanted to know:
- Is the HSE a pyramid scheme?
- Is the Healthstyle Emporium an MLM?
- How does MLM work?
- It really is a win-win situation for all?
- Don't only the people up the top make money?
- I still think it's a Pyramid Scheme
- If the products are so good why not stock them in the supermarkets?
- I don’t know if network marketing is for me?
- So why HSE?
- What is Residual Income?
The Healthstyle Emporium Holistic Program
Which is why I wanted to be real and raw with you, and answer those questions because I had them too, and I would hate for you or someone you know to miss out on an amazing opportunity because they didn’t truly understand it.
Is this one of those things?
I totally understand how you feel, I felt the same way and to be honest…I couldn’t be stuffed working out whether it was or wasn’t so I said no for a few months to this business, I just knew that there was a stigma around things like this (didn’t understand why nor did I take the time to).
However - I saw people I really looked up to in the health and wellness industry getting involved, they weren’t being salesy, or sleazy, they didn’t change. They were still heartfelt, genuine and it was clear they weren’t out to scam anyone. They were being authentic, having way more fun than me and living on their own terms. Meanwhile, four months had passed since someone shared the opportunity with me… I was still commuting, I was stilling working 9-5 pm, my salary was capped and I didn’t feel like I was helping anyone. I was on the verge of burnout at the age of 23 thinking is this literally what my future looks like, working 40 hours for the next 40 years…I thought those 4 years being poor and hustling at university with this $30,000 HECS debt I am still paying off - was supposed to give me more freedom?
So I did my research and I can now say hand on my heart I am extremely proud of the beautiful community we have created and the business structure behind it…but like I said I can relate as I was where you were so…
Is the Healthstyle Emporium a Pyramid Scheme?
No. They were made illegal in the 1900s.
However, I understand why you are cautious about it because the pyramid schemes you’re referring to are known as “Ponzi schemes” (which isn’t what we do and I will explain that in a second). Most of our parents have had an experience with these illegal pyramid schemes at some point in their life before they were made illegal, which is the reason there is a stigma around what we do. These schemes are a form of financial fraud where people make money purely by relying on people buying or investing in their business and recruiting people to join them in their business. There is no exchange of goods and services.
Is the Healthstyle Emporium MLM?
The short answer is no. The Program is independent and was created by our team of health professionals however we have partnered with an MLM company and use its business distribution model. So long answer is yes. We love and use a Multi-level network marketing / Direct Selling business model to deliver next-level value for our customers and provide flexibility and autonomy for our team.
How does Multi Level Marketing work?
Oh my god. I said it... it’s like MLM is a dirty word. But why…do you understand it?
So the best way to explain it is just like the checkout chick selling fruit and veg at your local grocery store! We do the same (although may I add, we are selling fruit and veggies that are better than organic, are tested over 4 times for pesticides, herbicides, mould and bacteria) and P.S just for the record…you don’t have to be a health professional to sell fruit, lets just clear that up! If you don’t agree please take that up with your local checkout chick at your grocery store and demand you see her qualifications, and the research on the health benefits of the fruits and veg before buying them - or god forbid the health benefits of the butter, chips and biscuits you’re putting in your basket!
So just like that checkout chick, we sell the best fruit and vegetables you can get your hands on - Juice Plus, which is a world-class wholefood nutraceutical support which aligns with our beliefs of health being holistic and food being medicine. But instead of all the money that goes into advertising for Woolworths or Coles, the rent the building is on, the rates, shipping costs, stock that just sits there and goes to waste that has to be chucked out, electricity bills, the wages for the teenager that doesn’t rock up on Sunday for his shift because he is sick (we all know he is hungover) ….in our business structure the middle man is cut out which means there is more opportunity for more money to end back in the ‘checkout chick’s’ pockets.
It really is a win-win situation for all?
Did you know in traditional business, distribution and marketing equals about 85% of the price we pay for the product?
As opposed to MLM, where only 40 - 50% of the product cost goes to distribution and marketing costs, allowing you to take advantage of a higher value product at a lower price?
The Consumer wins!
Consumers get better value for their money as less is being spent on advertising and distribution. Usually, companies that take advantage of the MLM business structure have a product or service that is cutting edge. These products are often expensive to manufacture, lots of science and research goes into them and consequently the local ‘checkout chick’ isn’t going to be educated on the millions of products in her store, nor is she going to take the time to explain why you should pick the product that is $1 more over the product you are familiar with because they really don’t care! They are there to get paid their $19 an hour and go home. If you put a cutting edge product next to the other health products in a health food store or grocery store people don’t know what they are looking for. Think of it like this… you don’t find a Porsche at your local car dealership, do you?
The Franchisee wins
This business structure is great for people like me, who have a great work ethic because we get to dictate our wage, and how much we are worth. If we want to get to work and share the product or service with others, our pay is a direct reflection of how many people we help and share our product with. This is another reason why we are not an illegal pyramid scheme, we are compensated for selling a product. We do not get paid for recruiting people in our business. Another reason why this business structure is great for people like me who have the entrepreneurial spirit, is there are low start-up costs and no risks. In AUD its $165, $50 in USA, Europe and UK £50 - which again is another reason why we are not an illegal pyramid scheme - as they rely on large start-up fees to make money usually in the high thousands. This structure is also great for women who are just looking to create a 2nd income sharing what they are passionate about or an income that works around their values whether it be kids, family, education or travel.
The Company wins
This business structure is also great for companies because instead of paying those employees who pretend to look like they are busy for the whole shift (you know we have all been there, spending the shift looking busy cleaning up an isle), they just pay the workers who are getting the work done. Don’t do the work - don’t get paid.
You don’t have to have a background in business to know this isn’t a scheme...its smart business!
Ok, I get it but don't only the people up the top make money?
In those illegal Ponzi schemes I was telling you about, yes - where there is no product, no service, no business opportunity - just an investment, large enrolment fees and a mission to recruit others to put $$ in a ‘make-believe’ kitty - as you scam people into this scheme you make your way up to the top where you get to collect go and say byeeee suckerssss!!
But as I said (and I hope you’re picking up what I’m putting down), your earnings in this business are a direct reflection of the work you put into your business and how many people you help by flooding their body with the nutrients it needs to do what it is designed to do. There isn't some greedy guts at the top taking everything while you get a small percentage (which is more like a traditional business these days, the CEO takes the big bucks and everyone else works hard for minimum wage. Do you work in a hospital, government, retail, apprenticeship? That is more like a “pyramid structure” you were referring to earlier).
There can be people new in this business making more money than the person who shared this business opportunity with them who had been doing it years longer - it’s just how many people you share the product or service with. If you’re really into compensation plans and the nitty-gritty - (this isn’t a blog for that but we can send a training video to you that goes for about an hour explaining how it all works if that’s your jam, I am sure you would even be able to find it on the Internet!)
I still think its a Pyramid Scheme
If the products are so good - why not stock them in the supermarkets?
I hope I did a good enough job at explaining why this is earlier... but if you still have doubts (I love my stats guys, I had to learn to in my honours year writing my thesis!)
Science and research studies have found we trust our friends and family more than advertising, funnily enough, we know that even though we see an advertisement of a famous singer/model advertising she’s loving $5 shampoo and conditioner…we know to call B*$#shit!
But on the other hand, if your mum or best friend saw a great movie, found a great restaurant or a skincare product and recommended it…we trust them and often will go try it for ourselves.
That is why cutting edge products with lots of research behind them that are making massive ripple effects in peoples lives, wellbeing and health is not found in a supermarket. A satisfied consumer is way more powerful with 78% of people buying a product from peer recommendation vs 14% from advertisements. Because these products are so amazing they rely on helping people get amazing results so others can genuinely and passionately share them with their loved ones. Most online businesses have caught onto this which is why they pay pretty Instagram models on your feed to post and endorse their products because they know you’ll trust them over paying thousands of dollars for advertising on tv, shops or magazines.
We have seen first hand what these products can do, from our own experiences or our clients inside the Healthstyle Emporium. Seeing the results and how amazing the Juice Plus products can be, adds fuel to my fire and makes my why so much bigger than me. That is what gives me the courage to get out there and share our mission (despite others out there not understanding and still having an ignorance towards MLM, maybe you were one of these people? I hope after reading this, I may have changed that for you).
Ok, I think I get it... But I don’t know if network marketing is for me?
I understand how you feel, trust me like I said I felt that too… even after learning all about pyramid schemes and realising this isn’t one of them.
But can I let you in on a little secret? You’re already a network marketer. In fact, we all are!
You know that TV series you recommended to your mum on Netflix? And that amazing lipstick from MAC you told your bestie about? That’s network marketing in action. And I am willing to bet that your mum and your bestie were both so grateful for a recommendation from someone they could trust. Now imagine if Netflix and Mac paid you for making recommendations just like that - for products you already love and know are making a massive difference in peoples health and wellbeing. That’s all that network marketing is, and when it works? When it’s done with authenticity and passion? Well, there’s no more powerful business model in the world.
So Why HSE?
We are in a health crisis. The World Health Organisation 2017 tells us that Chronic diseases kill 40 million people each year, equivalent to 70% of all deaths globally. The 4 groups of diseases that account for over 80% of all premature deaths are; cardiovascular diseases, followed by cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. High processed packaged diets all increase the risk of dying from a chronic illness.
Prevention is one of the most powerful things we can do when responding to chronic illnesses, providing our body with the nutrition it needs to be able to do what it is designed to do - is a massive part in it. When did we make life so complicated? We are killing ourselves, we need to stop eating shit and eat more whole foods that are touched by the sun, move our bodies, stop stressing and drink more water (we all know this!!)
However in our fast-paced lives, it’s not that we don’t know better, it is just we struggle to do better. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that only 2.5% of children are getting the recommended daily serving of fruit and vegetables.
So many of us are aware of this and are trying our best, but fail to realise that the “fresh produce” the vast majority of us are eating is sprayed with pesticides, injected with colours and preservatives and grown in nutrient-depleted soil - so the fruit and vegetables we are eating and feeding our families do not have the same nutritional value they did twenty years ago...
So Juice Plus is a convenient and affordable way for us to help our clients bridge the gap, not only for their health but for their children’s. With any adult order, the company sponsors a child under 18 years with free nutrition for up to four years. We have a responsibility to share this - this is where real meaningful change can happen. With education and support, we can start to change the terrifying health statistics I shared earlier. The results have already been amazing.
Most people who join our business have a massive passion for health and wellness and are actually health and wellness professionals themselves. They take their credibility very seriously, so we aren’t willing to share something that isn’t backed by research and a company they can trust. Juice Plus is the most research nutraceutical in the world, it has been around for 24 years and has over 30 medical journals published, proving its effectiveness.
Ok I get it, the product is amazing but I just want to be part of the Healthstyle Emporium, why not just run the program itself?
Ok, want the honest truth?
Because health is holistic, it is about the mind, body and soul. But we also know people are lazy! For example, I have a background in Psychology and Neurolinguistic Programming, and some of our clients won’t do the life coaching activities I set them, they won't try the meditation’s the team psychologists recommend, they won’t make the recipes our nutritionist has put together or the fun work out guides our PT’s have put together - but they will take their wholefood capsules every day… so if all else fails we know that they can get great results from taking the products alone and stall gain amazing health benefits. This in turn (from a business perspective) will keep them as clients in the Healthstyle Emporium, even if they don’t use the resources we have put all our love, expertise and energy into creating for them.
Partnering up the Healthstyle Emporium with Juice Plus - also means our gorgeous clients get more value for their money. The coaches in the HSE do what we do because we are passionate about helping others and don’t believe in bandaid effects and love sharing the message of holistic and preventive health.
We are here because we want to help. Our clients are getting their wholefood products for the same price as they would if they just bought it off the international Juice Plus website, but through us, they get a beautiful holistic health program worth hundreds of dollars for free. They also have access to a range of health professionals inside the Emporium, as well as their own wellness coach, which essentially is their very own cheerleader and accountability buddy in the program to love on them and help them get back on the bandwagon after a bad day (because we all know we have them!).
P.S when do you ever buy a product from your grocery store and have the lady at the counter check in every few weeks to see how you’re loving the product and to ensure you’re having an amazing experience?
And the MLM business structure we use is what allows us to be part of the Babes in Business team and be our own boss (meaning we get to work where we want when we want and with who we want), with low start-up costs, have a mentor showing us exactly how to build a business, a blueprint and proven system we get to put our own flavour on, community to lean on, laugh and cry with, leverage resources and skills AND create a residual income doing something we are passionate about.
What is Residual Income?
Residual income is when you continue to get paid after the work is done.
If you are literally working for a living…how do you live when you’re not working?
If we ran this program without the product not only would we be doing our clients a disservice but we would all still be exchanging time for money… I know that is what you may have been taught at school but I promise you, you will never get ahead working for a living (that's a whole other video, but if you want to watch that, you can check this VLOG I shared previously).
Ok - so if we have decided we don't want to work for a big corporation where the man up the top makes all the big bucks and we want the freedom to work for ourselves. What happens when you are your own boss but you get sick, clients cancel on your appointments, you go on maternity leave… you don’t get paid! That is why the residual income in our compensation plan is so powerful and why so many entrepreneurs choose this business model either to supplement their existing income streams/jobs or coaching practises or replace it altogether.
Did you know 300 000 people every week are starting a home-based business, at a time where daycare is more than most mums wages, where mums are being forced back to work before they are ready because they don’t have maternity leave and are missing magical moments with loved ones. Where people are wanting to travel but don’t have enough recreational leave, people are losing their jobs and being made redundant because online businesses, technology and machines can do things better than we can - our business structure itself is in high demand.
I personally am about teaching others how to live a ‘Life Above Zero’. That is what my book and my coaching practice is called. It is my message and mission in life and this has been the vehicle I have used to create a life I love rather than settling for one. I would be doing you all a massive disservice if I didn’t share it with you, and invite you along so you can see how I did it or at the very least even explain to you why I did it, in case it has been your own lack of understanding or others uneducated (but probably well-intended) opinions that were preventing you from making a decision that could completely change your life, like it has mine.
As I said, Babes in Business is a group of passionate women helping and empowering others to live a life of health, wealth and abundance which is why I hope you can understand now why were are proud of the community we have created, the business structure we use AND the products we have partnered our online holistic health program The Healthstyle Emporium with.
Our personal motto is “knowledge is power but only when shared”, this is powerful and we care enough about you to share it with you and explain and clear up some of the misconceptions we had too.
If this is something that resonates with you - we would love to teach you how to do what we have done, just reach out. All the girls on our team are open books with such big hearts. It might be something for you, it might not be - but what if it could be exactly what you’ve been asking the universe for?
Why most people are dissatisfied with their jobs
I think a lot of it has to do with work life balance. Once upon a time, work for most of us, was done living life. It was hunting, growing and cooking our food, teaching our children, building our homes - we would have time for joy, connection, family, the outdoors, exercise and hobbys sprinkled throughout our day. 🌻🍃
Did you know 80% of people are dissatisfied in their jobs?
The average person works 90,000 hours in his life - that's a long time to be miserable!
How did we get here?
I think a lot of it has to do with work life balance. Once upon a time, work for most of us, was done living life. It was hunting, growing and cooking our food, teaching our children, building our homes - we would have time for joy, connection, family, the outdoors, exercise and hobbys sprinkled throughout our day. 🌻🍃
Now most people have 8-10 hours a day where work is separate and at the expense of things that bring them joy and happiness. It doesn't help that in the USA workers only take an average of 50% of their paid vacation days.
🤯 That's crazy! You've got 90,000 hours to knock out, take the chance to chill on the beach when someone gives it to you or just stay at home and relax, spend time with your family, friends, enjoying Hobbies or do sweet fuck all with no obligation! 😎
Lauren on a rope swing
It's even sadder in Japan where 10,000 workers per year drop at their desks as a result of 60 to 70 hour work weeks 😢 - the phenomenon so prevalent that it even has a name "Karoshi".
I think the biggest problem with all the dissatisfaction is that in most cases people are bringing the wrong mentality and the wrong expectations into their workplace.
Yes we all have to work, yes we need money, yes there will be not so fun parts in every job, yes it helps to find something you enjoy and are passionate about and try figure out a way to monetise it. But have and enjoy life OUTSIDE OF WORK, make time for it, prioritise it and protect it!
But most people think if they work long enough and make enough money eventually whatever happiness they are postponing will just sort of arrive. If that were true then why is it studies show that the peak of income that correlates to happiness is $83,000?
🤔 There is no amount of work you would do, that will finally make the work go away and definitely no amount of money you can make that will solve all your problems. And the sooner you realise that, the sooner you can look for happiness in places where it might actually be found. ✨
Inspired by Aubrey Marcus’s book / Own the day, Own your life.
Pstttt have you ordered your copy of my book yet?
They should start arriving this week! I can’t wait to break down some of the myths for you around happiness, what it is, what it isn’t and where you can actually find that fulfilment most of us are chasing.
You can grab your copy here! Be sure to send me a photo when yours arrives and share with me your biggest break throughs and take aways.
BOOK UPDATE + 2019 REFLECTIONS / oh and let me reintroduce myself...
I hope you are feeling energised and excited for 2020 after having some quality time with your loved ones over the Christmas Break (I also hope you and your family are safe from the Aus bushfires) all my love, light and strength is being sent out to my fellow Aussies, our country and wildlife right now) and a reminder to open your heart, wallets and home where you can.
Happy New Year fam bam!
I hope you are feeling energised and excited for 2020 after having some quality time with your loved ones over the Christmas Break (I also hope you and your family are safe from the Aus bushfires) all my love, light and strength is being sent out to my fellow Aussies, our country and wildlife right now) and a reminder to open your heart, wallets and home where you can.
I guess I should reintroduce myself? Hi, I am Lauren Kerr! haha we had the most beautiful wedding the week before Christmas and spent the last few weeks in our love bubble with our nearest and dearest who had travelled all around the world to share our magical day with us.
The day itself was more beautiful than we could have ever imagined - despite everything leading up to it being a disaster (but I promise to share that in a later blog and all the wedding details/vendors - for now I will share a sneaky photo with you!)
So what now…
Over the last three weeks in my down time, resetting and getting re-inspired myself for a new year - I have read and listened to 5 really great books that I would love to share;
Emma Isaacs / Winging it
Aubrey Marcus / Own the day, Own your life
Louise Hay / You can heal your Life
Carmine Gallo / Talk Like Ted
My book “Life Above Zero” twice - before the final edits went to its big print THIS WEEK! It feels so surreal! Have you ordered your copy yet?
Take my Happiness Test Now for Fun…
I only have limited copies for my community so get in quick and order yours if you would love to be one of the first to read it! Otherwise you will have to wait for the official launch date in book stores in Aus in March.
Signed Pre-ordered Copies
Pre ordered copies (will also be personally signed to say A BIG THANKYOU!) will start to arrive in your mailboxes the last week of January - the perfect time after the festive season has slowed down to set or revisit goals for 2020, dig deep and get clarity on what truly makes you happy and learn how you can make small shifts in your health, relationships and career to find the fulfilment we all seem to be chasing and try save as many as I can from the mental health epidemic.
AND YES WE SHIP WORLD WIDE!! - Order your copy here - and be sure to tag me in photos as they arrive. I can not wait to hear what you take from the book and what breakthroughs you have - all my heart, lessons and education has gone into it and I can not wait to gift it and pay it forward to you.
Annual goal setting…
Between reading, reflecting and journaling over our Wedding and Christmas hiatus - I did my annual goal setting where I set clear intentions for the year in each of my highest values (health, relationships, business, travel, wealth and personal development).
Goal 1
One of my goals I identified was to enjoy stillness. It sounds so simple but I honestly struggle to not only create more white space, but ENJOY it. I have the tendency to run a million miles per hour, juggling a hundred things at once (and getting them all done too may I add ) and then feeling guilty or uncomfortable resting. I’m your “I’m your get shit done girl 🙋🏼♀️” - but one thing I realised amongst the hustle is I lost my connection to my intuition.
Some of you may know I twisted my ankle a few days before my wedding! I was supposed to be clocked off and in holiday mode but I felt restless and so decided to go for a big run and BAM!
As I was reading Louise Hays book “you can heal your life” over Christmas, I had a little chuckle to myself that in her book she explained injured ankles translates to the “resistance or guilt around enjoying and accepting all the pleasure life has to offer.” Which rang so true for me.
Bouncing Back!
So here I am, committing to myself (and publicly to you too for extra accountability). This year I am making my spirituality and stillness a priority - connecting to my intuition through journaling, meditating, moon tracking and yoga AND rejoicing and accepting all the joy life has to offer (without the guilt 🥰).
I would love to hear your reflections from 2019 and what are you publicly committing to this year? I can not wait to start seeing my book in your hands, for all of you beautiful souls who have already ordered it - I am excited to see what 2020 has in store for you, be prepared for some mindset shifts.
The 7 books that shifted my mindset around money and changed my life - literally!
7 books that have transformed my relationship with money.
because trust me when I say - I’ve definitely come along way since first starting my business four years ago. I never actually even thought of starting a business! I had gone through school and studied really hard to get a scholarship.
I wanted to share with you guys
7 books that have transformed my relationship with money.
because trust me when I say - I’ve definitely come along way since first starting my business four years ago. I never actually even thought of starting a business! I had gone through school and studied really hard to get a scholarship.
I was the first in my family to go to university and I did my Bachelor of Psychology degree before then completing my honours and writing my thesis. I assumed that I would spend the next 50 years making my way up the corporate ladder working as a health professional.
These are some of the books that personally helped me shift my mindset and essentially pivot and change my life (literally) in case you’re somebody who wants to work on your relationship with money or maybe before this email you weren't even aware you could 'have a relationship’ with money.
But first a disclaimer: I’m not getting paid any commissions or receiving any kickbacks by sharing these books with you.
Hand on my heart…
These books and people have helped me transform and change not only my mindset with money but my life; from working 50-60 hours a week being stuck in four walls, feeling like a hamster trying to keep up in the rat race spending three hours a day bumper-to-bumper on the highway, to now being able to work from any where in the world, whether it's the beach, snuggled up in bed or visiting family AND be in control of my self and net worth rather than leaving it up to someone else to tell me how much I am worth per hour.
This really helped me change the way I thought about money. I’ve always thought I would just be trading my time working my way up the corporate ladder (I wasn't too phased because let's face it - I had time on my side as an ambitious twenty-one year old!).
So I knew it might take me ten years or so, but one day I'll make good money outworking and stepping over my fellow employees to compete for pay rises and promotions.
This book made me realise how much of an asset I was to the government and business owners to have me working on creating their dreams and financial futures.
This book was a massive wake up call realising if I spent the next 10 years as a committed and loyal employee as I had intended to (as initially I aspired to be working as a clinical psychologist in the Army) it wasn’t going to get me where I wanted to be in regards to the values that are important to me and the lifestyle I personally wanted to create for myself and my future family.
2. Rich Woman - by Kim Kiyosaki.
This book is my all time favourite because it goes into the research and statistics as to why it’s important for women to not only feel comfortable to talk about money but also to understand wealth creation and have financial literacy.
It highlighted the sad and unfortunately common implications of women who do not know how to invest money let alone manage the money they already have.
This is a biggie for me and a massive mission behind our business and brand "Babes in Business" empowering women with financial literacy and helping them create smart income streams of their own.
3. The Barefoot Investor - by Scott Pape.⠀
This is extra good if you're from Australia as it's more of a practical book teaching you how to manage your money and how to get ahead financially.
He teaches you how to set up all your different bank accounts so you've got enough money to live and have fun but also to invest and have long-term security and savings.
This personally really helped me have a better relationship with money so I could put my cash flow on autopilot and not be reactive or emotional about it. That’s how we saved the house deposit for first home, paid for our wedding in cash and travel the world debt free.
4. The Four Year Career - by Richard Bliss Brooke.
I can actually get this book cheaper for you as my bestie + bizz partner Chani stars in the latest edition after sharing her story of what she was able to create with Babes in Business and her financial future in a short three years.
This book was powerful because it introduced me to the Network Marketing Profession and really showed me how I could have more leverage with my time.
I knew I was going to work the next 50 years as a great employee and be a great asset to anyone’s business because I took pride in my work and I realised that this profession and this business model was a smarter way for me to get more in return for my investment of time, energy, love, discipline, sacrifice and my work ethic.
This was pivotal for me because it helped educate me a little bit more about the network marketing profession as I had never been exposed to before, it casted a vision of what it could possibly be for me and my family.
5. Beach Money - by Jordan Adlar
This was a book I stumbled across a few years ago which introduced me to the concept of 'residual income'. The idea of getting continuously paid for something / work that you had done once and essentially creating 'beach money' and get paid while you sleep or sun bake at the beach with a cocktail in your hand! Sign me up baby!
This book opened my eyes to different ways of working and different ways of creating income rather than just trading my time for money which was something I had been conditioned to believe was the honourable and aspired way to create a life and money.
The traditional schooling system grooms you to follow the system of being a good student then a good employee, where you study hard, you do what you're told, ask no questions and don't disrupt the system.
I thought the only other way to get ahead financially was to inherit money, to have an invention, invest a lump sum into property or stocks - none of which were options for me.
So this book was a really cool way to educate me on the different vehicles and ways of creating income while I travel the world, or have kids, volunteer to projects that call to me or if I wanted to work from home or not work at all because something tragic had happened (because lets be honest - tragedies do happen and most people’s jobs don't cater for that).
6. 4 - Hour Work Week - by Timothy Ferriss.
This book was awesome as it inspired me to think outside the box and made me question why work fifty hours a week when you could work four?
It got me asking myself what were some ways I could better leverage my time, what were some things that I could outsource and were the things that I was currently spending my time on bringing me joy or getting me paid?
All the ideas and strategies that were shared in this book got me curious and creating systems of my own that allowed me to work less and ironically be able to make more. My underlying dominate belief around money was that it was tied to 'working hard' and 'exchanging time' to deserve it!
This book helped me break up with that belief for good - acknowledging as a business owner you need to upscale and outsource because businesses that turn over billions of dollars are not dependent on one persons 'time sheet' - hence money does not need to be dependent on the man hours you put in.
7. You are a bad ass at making money - by Jen Sincero.
This book helps you rewire your self talk and mindset around money and helps you become aware of your unconscious attitude towards money.
Your relationship with money can be something that is so ingrained in your DNA due to generations of shitty money stories, your intergenerational wealth or socioeconomic status.
Most of us inherit our parents relationship with money and if you don't actively read and seek wider education the cycle continues and history repeats.
This is an awesome book to help you dive in and explore your unconscious relationship with money as well as providing some really cool activities to help you to rewire and rewrite it!
Happy reading and wealth creating beautiful!
Why is it so hard to be happy? I have a few insights...
Do you beat yourself up about not being happy all the time? Do you feel guilty that no matter how hard you try or how amazing things may be in life - that you’re not over the moon ‘ecstatic’ even though you know you should be?
Do you beat yourself up about not being happy all the time?
Take my happiness test here
Do you feel guilty that no matter how hard you try or how amazing things may be in life - that you’re not over the moon ‘ecstatic’ even though you know you should be?
Do you know research has found nobody is happy all the time?⠀⠀
Researchers collected thousands of ratings from hundreds of people from all walks of life asking them on a scale 1-10 how happy are you at this moment and what is going on in your life?⠀
They discovered regardless of our external circumstances, that we live in a constant state of mild but not fully satisfying happiness.
Everyone pretty much wrote 7 all the time - from when they were buying milk, watching a son’s baseball game, pitching to a big client, missed a mortgage payment, mum diagnosed with cancer or loosing an arm.
Happiness would dip to the 2-5 for a short period of time but then would return to seven. Happiness is nothing but bobbing up and down and around our level seven happiness. ⠀⠀
This was true for extremely positive events as well. Getting a fat bonus at work, going on dream vacations, getting married - ratings would shoot up for a short period of time then settle back at seven.⠀⠀
Happiness is habitual. Learn to find happiness and fulfilment in everyday life instead of thinking you’ll be happy when... this is it guys!
Don’t underestimate your resilience or over estimate how much greener the grass is on the other side of the fence.
We may all have different things and be pursuing different goals externally, but internally the majority of us are having the same experience.
How I bought more time / UK + Croatia Vlog
I am leaving Europe with such a full heart of gratitude. We have spent the last three weeks not only slowing down, relaxing and enjoying being lazy lizards under the European sun but also spending some quality time with some of our nearest and dearest. I still pinch myself because three years ago I wouldn’t of been able to afford this trip (especially when we are getting married this year and have also been to Dubai, Bali, California and Dans off to NZ next week for his bucks party - all in the last 7 months ) but.... the biggie is I wouldn’t have the leave.
It’s crazy our quickly life can change when you decide you want to change it…
I am leaving Europe with such a full heart of gratitude. We have spent the last three weeks not only slowing down, relaxing and enjoying being lazy lizards under the European sun but also spending some quality time with some of our nearest and dearest.
I still pinch myself because three years ago I wouldn’t of been able to afford this trip (especially when we are getting married this year and have also been to Dubai, Bali, California and Dans off to NZ next week for his bucks party - all in the last 7 months ) but.... the biggie is I wouldn’t have the leave.
Before Babes in Business…
I just kind of accepted that for the next 50 years I would have to work 48 weeks a year to earn my 4 weeks off and only have my maternity leave to enjoy slowing down and enjoy having a family on my own - which means that unfortunately I would have to miss out on magical moments like these, weddings, Christmas’s with our family overseas, baby’s first steps, travel and some of the things of my bucket list - but hey that’s life right?
Money is important - but time is the real currency…
Time is something you can never ever get back - and I am forever grateful for the time and flexibility I have been able to buy for myself and our future family in three short years of working online. Excited for the next 50 years of more magical moments like this with the amazing people people we have been blessed to have in our lives.
Watch Part 1 of our Eurotrip with our UK
Croatia Vlog where we got celebrate Dan’s mum Mandy’s 60th in Croatia!
We are holding interviews next week for women who would love to join the Babes in Business Team - email us if you would love us to send you some information to see if it could be a way you could create more time for the important people and things in your life too! Or lets chat up for a virtual coffee date!
Are you craving some clarity, direction and passion for life again?
As you know by now, my background and studies have been in psychology. I am super passionate about mental health and even more so how people can leverage off mindset to create more abundance, happiness and health in their lives. I know we are in a mental health epidemic (and this may be controversial to say), despite the fact there are a lot of people out there with chemical imbalances needing medication I also believe there is a lot of people out there feeling stuck, "depressed", stagnant, unmotivated and uninspired about life for two reasons in particular;
Hey beautiful
As you know by now, my background and studies have been in psychology. I am super passionate about mental health and even more so how people can leverage off mindset to create more abundance, happiness and health in their lives.
I know we are in a mental health epidemic (and this may be controversial to say), despite the fact there are a lot of people out there with chemical imbalances needing medication I also believe there is a lot of people out there feeling stuck, "depressed", stagnant, unmotivated and uninspired about life for two reasons in particular;
1. They haven't set a goal.
We as humans actually get our fulfilment not so much from 'achieving' but from growing and evolving. Without a vision, a goal or something to strive towards, count down to or look forward to - you loose a sense of purpose or direction.
2. Or the goals you do have are extrinsically motivated.
You're striving to achieve goals, live or work in alignment with the values of what society or your parents expect of you, or what friends and colleagues will support.
So instead you abandon your truth, your gifts, your values and what lights you up and end up settling for a life of expectations, obligations and people pleasing without much joy, passion, expansion, freedom or authenticity suppressing 'the real you'.
In 5 sleeps my life coaching program launches!
I can't wait to be coaching my clients to help them get clarity on their values, setting goals that align with them, learning how to worry less about the opinions of others, how to regulate their own emotions, be responsible for their own happiness and stop self sabotaging!
Essentially learning how to live a life of thriving rather than just surviving…
It isn't 'woo woo', we won't just be talking about the happy and fun parts of life or work - we will be getting real and going deep.
I will be there each week to hold you accountable, set small achievable goals and ensure you're making progress until you're in full momentum and living fearlessly and passionately your own Life Above Zero.
I am so excited to be able to finally officially share this with you guys! I have been sneaky and dropped a few hints over the last 12 months and shared some sneak peaks with you, but it is time to let the cat out of the bag… I WROTE A BOOK!
I am so excited to be able to finally officially share this with you guys! I have been sneaky and dropped a few hints over the last 12 months and shared some sneak peaks with you, but it is time to let the cat out of the bag… I WROTE A BOOK!
I have been trying to keep you guys posted (you have probably seen me popping up in your newsfeed over the last five years) with my ventures and what I have been up to since finishing my Psychology Degree. If I haven’t had the chance personally (I am sorry, life has been so full) you can read about it here. I am so passionate about holistic health, specifically Positive Psychology.
In the Western world, we now have a higher standard of living than humans have ever known before and yet, humans today don’t seem very happy. We are experiencing a mental health epidemic - the World Health Organisation estimates that depression is currently the fourth biggest, costliest, and most debilitating disease in the world and by next year, it will be the second biggest. So I think its time for some REAL TALK. I wrote a book about the things that people don’t really talk about.
We have media bombarding us everyday telling us what we need to be happy and what should make us happy. People are overwhelmed yet still looking for purpose, meaning and an understanding of why they are feeling the way they are feeling and comparing themselves and their lives to everyone else’s highlight reels on the multiple social media platforms we are exposed to in the 21st Century.
This book equips you with the practical skills and mindset, backed with the psychology, research, and statistics to help you unlock the code to success, in your life, relationships and career (with some positive, warm and fuzzy vibes thrown in, sprinkled with tough love). This book is special because not only does it share personable stories that we can all relate to (reminding you that you are not alone in what you're going through), but it also has the credentials and research behind it giving it the credibility and applicability in the wellness, health and business space.
The publication date will be released soon, so keep your eyes on this space! We will be sure to let you know when it’s available at your closest book store! But in the meantime to thank you for your continued love and support over the last five years while I’ve been busy getting my business off the ground - I wanted to gift you with the first chapter of my book for free. I hope it serves you.
Are you a Mum?
Secretly I can not wait to be a mum… (well let’s be honest it’s not that big of a secret - I tell anyone who leaves me with their bubba ).
But when I was working full time I struggled to look after just me between a 50 hour week, 10 hours commuting, trying to be a good friend, daughter, sister, partner, keep the house clean, do the groceries, cook and somewhere in there work out. I was like f@&k how do mums in the 21st century do it all?
𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮 𝗠𝘂𝗺?
Secretly I can not wait to be a mum… (well let’s be honest it’s not that big of a secret - I tell anyone who leaves me with their bubba ).
But when I was working full time I struggled to look after just me between a 50 hour week, 10 hours commuting, trying to be a good friend, daughter, sister, partner, keep the house clean, do the groceries, cook and somewhere in there work out. I was like f@&k how do mums in the 21st century do it all?
I felt like I was constantly chasing my tail, never getting ahead and deflated as I knew trying to fit kids into that mix would be stressful as hell, not to mention only having 9 months maternity leave then having to either live on one income or place my bubba in before and after school care just to spend 2 days a week with them and miss all their milestones... that is not what I wanted my motherhood to be like.
I don’t want to bring beautiful babies into this world just for someone else to look after them...
That was my biggest motivator to start looking into other ways of working!
Ways I could still make a difference, have an identity outside of motherhood, have an awesome income, do something I am passionate about and enjoy, educate and help people with their holistic health and happiness AND not have to sacrifice my career or magical moments with my future family.
Voila .... that’s how Babes in Business was born!
People think you have to be a “babe” to do business with us. You don’t.
That’s just where we were in our life when we started wanting to set ourselves up so when we are mums we don’t have to make the same sacrifices most women have to in the 21st century.
We work with a lot of mums in Bizz too - check out our video to get a bit of a vibe for our tribe and message me if you would love to hear more stories from other mums in our team and see the impact we are making collectively around the world, it’s pretty special. I won’t lie, I’m pretty proud of us.
Hello 2019 you beautiful thing - let's do more with less this year.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and got to enjoy some quality time slowing down with your loved ones! I know I did! We have had such a beautiful time catching up with our family and friends scattered on the other side of the globe. So grateful to live in a time where social media makes the miles feel not so far between and gives us the option to work for ourselves online so we can work anywhere in the world without stressing about not having leave approved and missing out on magical moments with the ones we love the most.
Happy New Year Beautiful!
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and got to enjoy some quality time slowing down with your loved ones!
I know I did! We have had such a beautiful time catching up with our family and friends scattered on the other side of the globe.
So grateful to live in a time where social media makes the miles feel not so far between and gives us the option to work for ourselves online so we can work anywhere in the world without stressing about not having leave approved and missing out on magical moments with the ones we love the most.
The small things really are the big things!
Las Vegas was all about celebrating, the UK was all about slowing down and relaxing and Dubai was all about defrosting, getting back in the sunshine and out of our comfort zones to explore.
I promised you guys I would make a VLOG capturing all the fun - so leave it me, it's on my to do list!
Here is some photos from our last day in the Arabian Desert + some reflections I wanted to share with you as you embark on the gift of a New Year.
I've got to be honest with you, as I was sitting here while this picture was taken watching the sunrise over the Arabian Desert; I sat with a heart full of gratitude ....and itchy feet.
No Place Like Home…
No matter how far and wide I travel, no matter what breath taking things I get to experience ....they serve as a constant reminder that nothing compares to the love and joy I find back home on the Gold Coast in Australia.
Being in love with a simple life of waking up with the sun, in our own beautiful home, next to a man I love, walking down my street to the beach and feeling the sand between my toes and sun on my face every morning, having access to clean water and the luxury to prepare healthy and fresh wholesome foods everyday while I work from home doing something that I love with people who see the world the same as me.
This is honestly what I have discovered is my own personal recipe for happiness and allows me to feel content and fulfilled every night when my head hits the pillow ... the only thing missing was my family.
And this week both my brothers moved to the Gold Coast!!
So it’s safe to say it’s a few days into the New Year and my 2019 has already been everything I have ever wanted (still missing my parents but it's taken 8 years to get the brothers here, so I won't be greedy and will enjoy this first...then I will blackmail mum and dad with grandchildren if nothing else works! haha I am evil).
The last month traveling, eating, drinking and napping was exactly what the soul needed to realign, rejuvenate and refocus.
But I am back feeling recharged and so excited to tick off some more goals and help more women create a life where they get to live and work on their own terms.
I am such a massive believer in goal setting, not just because it's fun and exciting co-creating a life of your wildest dreams BUT it is backed by science to help you bring about what you dream about. Goals are dreams with legs!
If you haven't put some time aside yet to set your intention for this year, or just don't know where to start - I wrote a blog last year to help you if you would love some extra guidance - grab a comfy spot, a pen and notebook and get all those juicy visions on paper!
don’t get too busy…
No matter what goals you do set this year, don’t get too busy chasing them that you forget all that really matters is being love and doing what brings you joy.
All the stuff you choose to fill your day with is your choice, the energy and money you spend chasing your pursuits is your choice.... but if it doesn’t bring you love and joy, all that stuff in between is just noise, don’t buy into it. Do more, with less.
This story is one of my favourite metaphors that helps me drown out the noise in a world where we constantly are being told we have to be better and go bigger - and remember at the end of the day what it is that truly matters. I hope this serves you this year and helps you make decisions that bring you joy and love.
"An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.
The Mexican replied, "only a little while. The American then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The American then asked, "but what do you do with the rest of your time?"
The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life."The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise."
The Mexican fisherman asked, "But, how long will this all take?"
To which the American replied, "15 – 20 years."
"But what then?" Asked the Mexican.
The American laughed and said, "That’s the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions!"
"Millions – then what?" Gasped the Mexican,
The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."
The fisherman was puzzled, "Isn’t that what I am doing now?"
Follow us to Bali!
So we just got back from an amazing week with our Babes in Business family. My partner and I treated ourselves to some time unplugged filling our cup up with some sunshine and smiles after our business retreat.
Amazing Week with our Babes in Business
So we just got back from an amazing week with our Babes in Business family. My partner and I treated ourselves to some time unplugged filling our cup up with some sunshine and smiles after our business retreat - this is a little sneak peak of what we got up to on the VLOG!
Thank You…
I will be forever grateful for the life I have been able to create with Babes in Bizz and just want to use this opportunity to remind you that if you are feeling lost, unfulfilled, stuck or stagnant in a job that you're not passionate about - please let my VLOG ...or even MY LIFE remind you that there is a Life Above Zero and you deserve to live it.
I’m not a millionaire and nor do I want to be. I just want the lifestyle and freedom to enjoy life instead of working 50 hours a week the best years of my life in hope I’ll get the opportunity to enjoy it in the last years of my life. Life is happening now - are you getting the time to enjoy it or have you bought into the rat race epidemic too where you seem to spend every waking hour working yet still can’t seem to get more than a week ahead?
There are so women like me who have studied 4 - 6 years at university to get a job in the corporate world - that are quitting their jobs that we worked so hard to get for this exact reason!
If you're one of them - do yourself a favour and listen to last week's episode on Babes Talking Business Vlogcast
If you're curious where we go and how we do it, or even better - email me and lets organise a time to catch up for virtual coffee date babe - because if you're anything like me...I know I had lots of questions and misconceptions so I am an open book if you would love to chat!
Have you ever wanted to ask me the same questions?
I got to catch up and connect with the beautiful coaching duo April and Angela from Soulful Of Yourself last week and share same love and light with their gorgeous online community. We chat all things health, wellness & happiness, and empowering women to reclaim control over their lives and truly live their own Life Above Zero!
I got to catch up and connect with the beautiful coaching duo April and Angela from Soulful Of Yourself last week and share same love and light with their gorgeous online community.
We chat all things health, wellness & happiness, and empowering women to reclaim control over their lives and truly live their own Life Above Zero!
2017 New Years with the Crew!
I am so sorry I haven’t dropped in some love lately, I literally hit the ground running this year with business events, conferences, celebrating gorgeous friends getting engaged and others getting married. WOW - do I feel the love this year!!
Happy Sunday you beautiful souls!
I am so sorry I haven’t dropped in some love lately, I literally hit the ground running this year with business events, conferences, celebrating gorgeous friends getting engaged and others getting married. WOW - do I feel the love this year!!
You have probably also seen I have been working on launching my THIRD business sneakily behind the scenes which is getting LAUNCHED NEXT WEEK!!!
Watch this space, I can not wait to share it with you! It is something that is so close to my heart and I know you are going to love it!
I have been so excited just to have a couple of weeks to do sweet !@#$ all! - and I have loved every second of it! I love slowing down, tuning in, realigning and getting re-inspired. Remember that you need to be the best version of you to give the best version of you, sometimes you need to be selfish to be selfless and actually need to slow down in order to catch up.
So in saying that, I finally got around to reflecting on all the beautiful memories and laughs we had with our gang over New Years as I put together our VLOG capturing what we got up to in South West Rocks (ironically which was the last time I completely turned off - I highly recommend making time at least once a month to give yourself a complete break from social media, timelines, expectations and societal pressures).
Such beautiful memories to have and look back on (including that of our mate Griffo popping the big question and our gorgeous Kendelle saying “yes”), as we continue to move forward in our crazy fast paced lives and open new chapters.
My favourite memory from this trip was on New Years night, we all sat around a table and did our “gratefuls”, one by one we shared what we were grateful for from the year that had been.
Lots of tears (both happy and sad) - but what you feel in that moment is nothing but pure unconditional love - for the journey, for the friends, for the support, for the lessons.
I can not wait to be sitting around a table this New Years and reflect on what magic, triumphs, lessons, love and laughter 2018 brought us all - one thing I know is that none of us will never have to go through any of it alone.
I love you guys, this one is for you!
An Introvert living in an Extrovert world
A few different things inspired my VLOG this week; personal experiences for people who misread me, introverted babes I mentor in business doubting themselves in the business world because they're not an "extrovert", and clients I coach in wellness who feel guilty because they don't want to go to big social gatherings, as it feels more like a chore for them that they have to drag themselves to, rather than something that gets them excited and lit up!
I am an Introvert… What next…
A few different things inspired my VLOG this week; personal experiences for people who misread me, introverted babes I mentor in business doubting themselves in the business world because they're not an "extrovert", and clients I coach in wellness who feel guilty because they don't want to go to big social gatherings, as it feels more like a chore for them that they have to drag themselves to, rather than something that gets them excited and lit up!
So many people get surprised when I tell them I am an introvert, funnily enough though.. Im not surprised that they are surprised!
Because so many people see me with my "business jacket" on, where I do things that scare the shit out of me like VLOGS, presentations, workshops, conferences and networking events.
That is "Business" Lozz, the perception I have to muster my energy and courage to portray on my social media platforms as a way to get my vision, message and mission out there to those who need it (because I know my vision is much bigger than me, and you don't serve the world by playing small).
Im Not Surprised
Another reason why I am not surprised and people may not believe me is because so many are not aware of what the true meaning is of these words.
Unlike most believe, introversion and extroversion is not a theory about how outgoing or shy we are, in psychology and research it actually relates to where we get our energy from.
Or in other words, how we recharge our brains and batteries - Or how I like to say it fill up your cup!
(or those of us with introverted tendencies) tend to recharge by spending time alone - for example for me thats walking, one on one coffee or wine dates with my girlfriends, watching a movie with my partner, going for a long walk, sitting at the beach ALONE, meditating, journaling. We lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds.
On the other hand, gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They recharge by being social.
So tune in to listen to how you can learn AND understand your personality type so you can make smart decisions on how to regulate your emotions - in a way that is healthy FOR YOU (and not feel guilty if going to your friends party isn't the best thing for you do to right now).
If you're an introvert already in or embarking on - stepping into the business world which is all about MARKETING yourself as an extrovert to get your mission and message across, tune in to hear how I use my "Business jacket" - as well as those of you who may judge others from what you perceive them to be on social media in comparison to a social setting...keep these golden nuggets in the back of your mind not only to be a better friend, but human.
Understanding others and yourself is the key to spreading kindness and compassion, and the world needs more of that.
Try out our new Happiness Test
How to stick to your New Years Resolutions & understanding why it is so hard to make those changes.
So I decided to explain why this is and AND how you can prevent that from happening so you aren’t one of the phoneys who say “new year, new me” and then remain the same person you were last year, running the same mundane rat race routine, moaning about the exact same shit, telling yourself the same bullshit excuses.
How to Stick to your New Years Resolution
Lots of people at this time of the year set life, health, wellness, relationship, business goals and yet most of those people will abandon them at some point in the next 12 months.
So I decided to explain why this is and AND how you can prevent that from happening so you aren’t one of the phoneys who say “new year, new me” and then remain the same person you were last year, running the same mundane rat race routine, moaning about the exact same shit, telling yourself the same bullshit excuses.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
And no, its not you, its not that your lazy, its not that you start things and never finish things, its not your personality - those are excuses and are just a “cop out”. Because the truth is change is hard - for everyone.
How does Change happen?
The sad truth is that for change to occur, the pain of staying where we are must be greater than the pain of growing... Because change is not easy, it takes effort, it takes persistence and requires commitment.
So watch my LIVE where I share with you the research, psychology and elaborate on the following tips and tricks so you don't become another statistic and you make 2018 THE BEST YEAR YET!!
1) Chase your own goals!
(You can find the blog I refer to about setting goals in accordance to your own values here)
2) Preframe that your goals are going to take....(wait for it) drum rolll.... WORRRRKKKK!
You can fill out the Change Matrix below to be really transparent with yourself what the road will look like, what it will cost you and what you have to gain.
3) Seperate your feelings from your actions.
Acknowledge and accept, that most days...YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FEEL LIKE IT!
Try the 5 Second Rule to get that little toosh of yours into action on the days you "don't feel like it", (lets be honest, that's all of us most days) - you can learn more about that in Mel Robbin's Book.
Also do yourself a favour and put some time aside today to read this letter I spoke about in my LIVE, to help you get some perspective for 2018, the realest, rawest and truest thing I’ve read to date. Rest in peace beautiful.
Wishing you another year of health, wealth and abundance.
Lets talk about Fear
Lets talk about fear!! Fear is the biggest manipulator in world - it causes people to not think logically and cheats them out of making some of the best decisions of their life.
However, I understand why…fear (real or perceived), triggers the same stress response in our body, so tune into my LIVE where I shine some light on that little shit because the truth is you can either be comfortable or grow…you can’t have both. So which one do you choose?
What you can learn from fear?
Have there been some things you have been putting off because you’re scared? Scared of failure, scared of success, scared of what others may think?
Lets talk about fear!! Fear is the biggest manipulator in world - it causes people to not think logically and cheats them out of making some of the best decisions of their life.
However, I understand why…fear (real or perceived), triggers the same stress response in our body, so tune into my LIVE where I shine some light on that little shit because the truth is you can either be comfortable or grow…you can’t have both. So which one do you choose?
Step forward into growth or backwards into safety?
Do good things come to those who wait?
So many people come to me and they all want a better than average life but most are not willing to put in more than average work. We live in an era where life is fast paced and we want it NOW - we are wanting people to promise and deliver quick fixes and, do good things really come to those who wait?
Well do they?...
So many people come to me and they all want a better than average life but most are not willing to put in more than average work.
We live in an era where life is fast paced and we want it NOW - we are wanting people to promise and deliver quick fixes and, do good things really come to those who wait?
Listen to the Istagram Live I shared this week on the tips, tricks, psychology and research behind success in health, wealth, relationships and life!
My Biggest Lesson
Recap on the biggest lesson I have ever learnt
If you missed my live this week on my Facebook...
I spoke about my biggest lesson that I have ever learnt - one that my beautiful mum taught me when I was very young and it continues to come up time and time again, ensuring that I don't forget it.
Don't place your expectations on others
This is something that once learnt you can apply to friendships, relationships, colleagues at work and our wider society.
Tune in to understand why you should and CAN fearlessly live and love with your heart on your sleeve, be the best version of you, live your life accordance to your values and up to your own expectations.
“People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.”
How I took control of my weight, skin and happiness AND MAINTAINED IT!
21 Days of Meditation to Raise Awareness for Mental Health
AND IT'S UP! Click below on the link to support us on our challenge in the Healthstyle Emporium this month to be happier and healthier with our 21 days of meditation in to raise awareness for mental health and the services Headspace can provide with our 21daysofHSEbliss.
I have been talking to so many women lately who are struggling with self-esteem and self talk because of being unhappy with their skin and weight...I had my own personal story and I know it doesn't seem like a big deal until you suffer it yourself so I wanted to share my tips and tricks (and some facts regarding psychology and research) on how you can finally take control of your weight, skin and happiness - and MAINTAIN it!
I speak about the effects stress has on the body and why it is so important to come from a place of love and not fear, which is why I'm loving our meditation challenge in the Emporium this month.
We would really love your help in leaving a legacy behind and inspiring change around the world by raising awareness and inspiring one person at a time to be the healthiest and happiest version of themselves. If you would love to be involved in something bigger than yourself, please don’t hesitate to message me or share my video above. I would love to hear from you!
Sending you all big love and wishing you a beautiful day!
Why balance is BULLS*%T
Dealing with Excuses
Earlier this week I did a live on my Facebook squashing some of the bullshit excuses and myths people have and tell themselves about success and why they can't have it.
First one being is that it comes from a natural ability...sorry but NO, it's a trait called GRIT and I will tell you a tell about what it is and how you develop it.
Second is that if you can't keep a balance in the pursuit of success it's not working or meant to be for you.. sorry to break it to you BUT balance is a PRIVILEGE.
Tune in to hear the research and facts around what it takes to be successful so you can understand you can have, do and be whoever you want. There is a Life Above Zero and you deserve to live it!