Have you ever thought of creating a side hustle or second income
but have no idea where to start?
Have you already done your research and know the value of having multiple income streams,
but don’t have the capital to invest?
Does money or business just sound too complicated and intimidating
so you just leave it all together?
You're going to love this episode on our podcast and our free e-guide below. We share with you:
the three ways to make money
53 side hustle ideas you can start today
residual income streams vs non residual income streams
why creating a secondary income stream today is so important for your future nest egg fund
PLUS, we help guide you with some fun business coaching activities to help you get your side hustle off the ground like:
helping you come up with 10 business ideas
writing your one liner business summary
setting your rate
finding your first potential customers
chatting with your potential customers
making your first 3 sales
coming up with your point of difference so you stand out
having a flow of referrals
and creating a profitable business