Becoming Her 


Unleashing the next level of you and your business.

The Vortex is Open .

The Vortex is Open .

Over out-dated advice of building and running businesses like men? Excited to be held and supported in a container that allows you to leverage off your feminine super powers and create income, impact and freedom from a place of pleasure and joy?

The Vortex - is the Ascension Path to help you unleash the next Level of you and your business.

A Vortex to help you collapse time, speed up results and execute your expansion roadmap with a calm nervous system and rock solid confidence in who you are, where you’re going and what you’re on this earth to do.

No noise. No distractions. No external opinions.

A Vortex of potent energy that is amplified by being in the right place, around the right people who are also living and leading in a BIG way. A safe space to be supported and guided to unleash the next level of you and your business.

Picture this...
Waking up and knowing exactly what you’re here to do with this one life. Being so rock solid and grounded in your values, vision and strategy that nothing and no-one moves your centre.

Knowing exactly where to spend your time in your business and how to leverage off your zone of genius and spend more time doing the things that bring you pleasure and joy.

Feeling so clear and confident to show up as the most potent version of you, to live and lead in your truth and that magnetises soul aligned opportunities, clients and relationships to you.

Business becomes an extension of you and the things you love. You become a magnet for MORE. Your impact, income and freedom continues to grow and compound from your overflow.

You have clean boundaries. Expanders in your orbit that amplify your power. And every time you lean into your growth and evolution, your life expands in all ways and love deepens not only in your work, but your marriage, parenthood, friendships and health.

If you’re ready to unleash ALL of you - to UNLOCK all that’s meant for you…
This is your Ascension path.

  • Module 1: Your Psychology

    1) Together we identify where you are no longer feeling aligned, what you need to stop doing and unbecome to experience the joy and alignment in your business and work, so you can think, move and lead as the truest most potent you.

    2) We reconnect with your core values, gifts and passions, and redefine success on your terms, creating clear goals, manifestations and visions so you can unlock your next level with magnetism and influence.

    3) We tap into your renewed vision and identify your belief in creating that, before rewiring any limiting beliefs so you can create new ones that will support the next level of you and your business with effortless expansion.

  • Module 2: Your Structure

    1) We create clean boundaries and masculine structures that allow you to create more white space so that you can prioritise your values and soften into your feminine and thrive outside of business too.

    2) We build your life and business by design, mastering techniques that allow you to get more done in less time, increase your personal productivity and building out systems so that you can increase your output, consistency and freedom.

    3) We create sustainable growth by implementing your expansion roadmap, meeting you at the current edge and mastering high paying skills that will continue to grow your income and impact within the safety of your current systems and structure.

  • Module 3: Your Skills

    1) We capture the essence of you and turn up the volume of you by infusing that into your brand personality so that you become the most magnetic, fullest and truest expression of yourself and your brand.

    2) We position you as the Authority in your space by helping you clearly and powerfully articulate the transformation your business offers, understanding the psychology of your client and then creating clear and intentional content pillars that you can plug and play.

    3) We teach you Psychology and Frameworks that will allow you to empower leaders, create a culture of growth and contribution and master the art of Feminine Leadership. Leading with empathy, holding the energy of others & resolving conflict without sacrificing your boundaries or your own energy.

Which one are you? Are you ready to Ascend?

  • 1. You're hungry to create more income, impact and freedom. But what got you here is no longer working. You're sick of trying to hustle and work like a man... You’ve hit a glass celling. No matter how much work or effort you put in - the needle doesn’t move in your business or finances.

  • 2. You have reached capacity - there is literally no more hours in the week to create more and it’s coming at the expense of your health, self care and time with the ones you love. You know if you keep going like this you will burn out. You have a silent hand brake on in your business, because you're worried creating more means sacrificing more.

  • 3. You are feeling overwhelmed or heavy, having to do, be it all and hold other peoples energy in your business and are struggling to switch off. You're craving to have someone to help, support and hold you privately behind the scenes in your leadership.

  • 4. You feel uninspired, bored or frustrated - and despite how hard you’ve worked to create the success you have - you’ve seriously contemplated blowing it all up. It’s no longer bringing you joy or aligning with the values you have now.

  • 5. You feel like you’ve outgrown certain situations, environments or relationships and your current circle of influence is stunting your growth.

  • 6. You are used to being the problem solver in your business, however your lack of leadership skills and systems has created a bottle neck.

  • 7. You struggle with inconsistent energy and output when it comes to running your business or personal role.

  • 8. You know you are ready for more, you’re hungry for your next level of expansion and growth - but the fear of failure or what others may think if you do things differently holds you back

  • 9. All the above - it's time for an evolution baby.

Meet your Coach, Mentor + Expander

Hi friend, I’m Lauren

I’m a mama, wife, life enthusiast, Best Selling Author, Podcast Host, Investor, High Performance Coach + Business Mentor for women leading teams and building businesses.

I help you create MORE income, impact + freedom from your overflow. With over 10 years experience and 7 Figures in Sales. I specialise in Psychology, systems and leadership.

Are you ready to step into the Vortex?

  • A self paced High Performance Coaching + Business Group Mentorship container

    • Be intimately guided week by week through the 3 Modules of Psychology, Structure and Skills for your Next Level

    • 12 coaching sessions taking you through the process

    • 1 week of integration for each Module to support you to implement it into your life and business

    • Opportunity to upgrade and have 1:1 calls with Lauren to have her eyes and heart on you and your business, get real-time live support and feedback

    • Workbooks to help you as you workshop your unique roadmap for your Next Level.

    • Lifetime access

  • Clarity: On who you are, what you’re here to do, where you’re going and what to focus on in your business to move the needle and bring you more joy. You’ll know exactly what your ‘next level’ looks like and be intrinsically motivated to step into it.

    Confidence: In your skillset, in your strategy & in your ability to lead and live as the most potent version of you knowing you get to attract more aligned opportunities and relationships.

    Calm Nervous System: You’ll execute your unique roadmap with a calm nervous system because you’ve created clean boundaries & utilised masculine structures that allow you to embody feminine energetics + create more from your overflow.

    Your next level: You will increase your personal productivity when you're working in your business whilst also simultaneously creating more income, impact and freedom + work less hours so you also get to thrive outside of your business.

  • The Vortex: $2999 AUD

    Feminine Leadership Toolkit: valued $297

    Authority Content Plug + Play guide: valued at $97

    Systems Playbook: valued at $97 AUD

    Exclusive Access + Discounted 1:1 Private Coaching calls with Lauren: valued $750. Members inside the Vortex have exclusive access to Lauren and the opportunity to upgrade to book 1:1 calls with her at a discounted price - any time throughout the Program to have her eyes and heart on you and your business, get real-time live support, coaching and feedback.

    TOTAL VALUE: $4240 AUD

Join us inside the Vortex if you’re ready to…

The Vortex Regular investment = $2,999
which means that you SAVE $3,243 if you join today 🌹


    $ 997

    1 x upfront payment



    1 x upfront payment


    4 x monthly payments of $333


    2 x monthly payments of $333

Offer only for 72 hours.

Offer only for 72 hours.

You can have results like these 🌹